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品天然茗皇     享健康人生

     茗皇茶在各级党委政府的关心支持下,以优良的品质和独特的口感, 2004-2008年连续五年荣获全国名优茶质量评比“金奖”、2010年第四届中国国际有机食品博览会暨Biofach China 2010“金奖”、05、07、09年广东省第六、七、八届名优茶质量竞赛“金奖”、第六届“中茶杯”全国名优茶评比“一等奖”、中国三绿工程“放心茶中茶协推荐品牌”、广东省名牌产品、广东省著名商标、国家AA级绿色食品认证、国家有机产品认证、国家QS质量安全认证等荣誉。中瑞邦交“哥德堡号”访华广东选赠瑞典国王的名茶。
        • 2004年被评为广东省食品药品“放心工程”示范基地
        • 2006年被评为广东省健康农业科技示范基地
        • 2006年被评为广东省有机茗皇茶标准化示范基地
        1、生态灭虫——茶行与茶行之间留1米至 1.5米宽的原生态植物防虫带,供有益的天敌昆虫在生态带中繁殖生存,达到以虫治虫,植物防治的措施。
        4、减产保质措施——植物生态防治、 生物防治不能达到100%的效果时, 采用 “早发现、早消灭”的措施,把有虫害的茶枝叶全部剪掉烧毁, 严防茶虫蔓延,绝对不使用农药。

        为更有效地利用茶对人体健康保健的作用,聘请茶学专家成立新工艺科研小组, 反复试验研创一套茗皇茶独特工艺、 把茶叶中的脂型儿茶素经特定工 艺发酵,保留和生成更多的氨基酸成分, 通过常饮茗皇茶后达到对人体健康有益的作用。



Minghuang Tea, Enjoy Healthy Life

Taste natural Minghuang Tea Enjoy Healthy Life

Minghuang Tea Company incorporates is engaged in ,plantation, development, highly equipped processing and sales of different strains of tea. It is a top provincial agricultural enterprise committed to support and help the poor. We are also corporate limited and the demon striating base about food and medicine called “Assuring Projects.” The Head office is located in the original mountains called Shaiguzhang and Xianrenfeng in Changshan Town of Lianjiang City.

The total area of cultivation stretches over 10,000 mu. We also import other international brands and Taiwan Tea. The workers’ houses are built around the beautiful mountains. We use high tech equipment for processing tea in order to main the high standards. There are 47 highly qualified personnel involved in technical management including 2 top agronomists to ensure good manufacturing practice. We also co-operate with some scientific research units such as south China Agricultural University.
Product Survey:

Minghuang Tea is green in color, pleasant in smell and refreshingly mellow in taste. Following science and technology, we extract maximum out of natural environment and springs in the local area and workout a formula to only use the organic fertilizer..

During the plantation, no form of chemical is applied. We only use the organic fertilizer made by nitration and food experts, medicine and health care experts. In addition, we don’t use any pesticides and use natural and biological means to take care of pests.

International and Taiwan’s advanced techniques are adopted to produce high quality tea. Being processed by modern and latest technologies with some scientific research units, Minghuang Tea is keeps its originality when delivered to the sales outlets and maintains its original flavor. It’s also effective to reduce weight, lower blood lipids, refresh the mind, improve immunity keep user alert and healthy. So it’s an ideal health-care drink.

Minghuang Tea won the Third, Forth session of superior quality tea award in 2004,2005 which is also a proof to support its high quality and taste.

网店名称:  茗皇茶热卖在线 联系人:  林女士
联系电话:  0759-3283186 Email: huangchengli688@163.com
地址:          湛江市赤坎区吉祥路1号门前沿街27-28铺
  copyright 2003-2005  版权所有 中国114黄页(www.114chn.com[管理]